Black Family Land Trust, Inc.
Based in North Carolina, BFLT is “one of the nation’s only conservation land trust dedicated to the preservation and protection of African-American and other historically underserved landowners assets.” Born in 2002 from a retreat of over 40 individuals related to issues of Black land ownership (specifically Black Agrarian land ownership), BFLT is an organization dedicated to ensuring, protecting, and preserving Black-owned lands. Their work focuses in the American Southeast but is not confined to there.
Their vision/goal is as follows:
African American families retain ownership of their land, and lost land is returned to Black ownership.
Land valued by African American communities is protected: productive farms and forests, lands crucial to African American history, culture and heritage, lands that support Black communities economically, and environmentally sensitive land.
African American families and communities secure and assert the power of citizenship that accrues through land ownership in a democratic society.
Current and future generations of both urban and rural Blacks are fully engaged in the land retention struggle.
Education, technical assistance, cooperative ventures and new and existing enterprises enable us to support economically and environmentally sound land stewardship.
To achieve this goal, their main program (WRAP) is concerned with reducing the rate of African American land loss through education. They provide Black landowners with the tools of intergenerational financial management, conservation easements, and 21st century options for land use so they can continue to maintain their farming traditions.