Cafe Gozhóó & the Rainbow Treatment Center
Cafe Gozhóó is operated and founded by Nephi Craig, one of the major figures featured in the Gather documentary. While not a farm itself, the cafe gathers its ingredients from Apache-run farms in the area (Whiteriver, AZ), with a special emphasis on using traditional Apache food-ways and ingredients and bringing them to the culinary forefront. Additionally, it offers employment and food education opportunities for local natives, particularly those involved in the Rainbow Treatment Center, a by-Apaches-for-Apaches organization dedicated to helping Apaches heal from substance abuse. One of the ways the residents fill the holes left in their lifestyles by substance abuse is by reconnecting to the traditional foods being prepared and served at the cafe.
The cafe exists inside an old gas station, and also provides fuel. By replacing the unsustainable and non-nourishing (but affordable) food generally found at gas stations with sustainable, traditional foods in a way that seeks to invite learning about Apache foodways, Cafe Gozhóó serves to reconnect the local Apache community to more just and nourishing foodways.